About Me

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I am a married twenty something mother of three, who has a love for cooking.My late father was an executive chef for over 15 years and I can remember growing up thinking that I wanted to do his job.Many times my dad would let me come into his work and watch him and the other cooks prepare meals, it was amazing!My father wrote his own reciepes and seldom had a complaint about his dishes. Over the years I have experimented with ingredients and had many who were willing to try them, and luckily I have had way more good outcomes than bad! I have always been somewhat of a picky eater, not favoring veggies or fruits and certainly hesitant of trying new things, that is why I am so excited to share my love for cooking with you! My kids seldom complain and have yet to make a dish that friends and family did'nt like! Not to toot my own horn but when God gives you a talent he usually gives an abundance of it! Every ingredient I use is simple as well as kid friendly. Most dishes take little time and minimal effort. Along with my love of cooking, I also love to write and organize-clean. I have always had the type A personality and have grown to accept and embrace it!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Food Storage Made Easy

I LOVE this website, it gives ideas on how to start a food storage, why its important, what steps we can each take no matter what our financial situation is to starting and growing our food storage! I have a strong testimony to why food storage is important- just this last April we started our food storage as a precaution for any future disasters. We never expected a tradgedy would happen just a few months later-my husband the sole breadwinner was unexpectedly laid off, with three children and the job market the way it is, we were devastated to say the least. With no money for groceries we turned to our food storage as a means to and end, thankfully it got us through for two whole months!! My husband and I were so thankful to have had this food otherwise I am not sure how we could have made it through this tough time! I am so thankful that there are great helpful websites like Food Storage Made Easy, to help me with ideas for my family's food storage plan!